How to read and understand the Bible by yourself
Are you looking for help in understanding the Bible? Or are you hoping to gain more tips for help in your Bible study. Well, you are at the right place.
We ought to study the Bible so that we can grow. However, one might say: "The Bible usually seems like a bunch of stories to me. And don't even get started on those Epistles. They're really confusing." There was a man like that in the Bible - a very rich man. He was reading his Bible while on a journey. The Holy Spirit led one of the disciples (Philip) to meet him. Philip met him and asked him, "Do you understand what you're reading?" He replied, "No. How can I understand except someone explains it to me?" (See Acts 8:26-38)
So I'll share a few tips here about understanding the Word of God.
We ought to study the Bible so that we can grow. However, one might say: "The Bible usually seems like a bunch of stories to me. And don't even get started on those Epistles. They're really confusing." There was a man like that in the Bible - a very rich man. He was reading his Bible while on a journey. The Holy Spirit led one of the disciples (Philip) to meet him. Philip met him and asked him, "Do you understand what you're reading?" He replied, "No. How can I understand except someone explains it to me?" (See Acts 8:26-38)
So I'll share a few tips here about understanding the Word of God.
1. Do you really want to study your Bible? This question is important. Yes, you should really want to study God's word. We ought to grow in our knowledge of God. We ought to know Him personally, and not just know about Him.
2. Are you born again? The Bible itself clearly says that a carnal man cannot understand the things of God. And the word of God tops that list. Do you know that if you are not born again you're spiritually blind? For the eye of your understanding to be enlightened, you need to be born again.
(Read the following: 1 Cor. 2:14)
3. Have you received the Holy Spirit? Yes, we have come again with our Spirit Spirit something. The truth is that Jesus said it is IMPORTANT that He leaves. If not, the Holy Spirit can't come to us. That's what happened. The Holy Spirit helps us understand God's word. He teaches us God's word. Some disciples had believed in Jesus, but had not received the Holy Spirit (see Acts 19:1-7)
To know more about how the Holy Spirit helps us, read John 14:26, John 16:12-13, 1 John 2:27.
4. Do you have an actual relationship with the Holy Spirit? You might have received Him into your life, but it's possible you are living the Christian life by your own physical and mental. I encourage you to develop a relationship with Him. Be conscious of His presence in your life. Know Him more. How? Simple. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and help you know Him more.
(Read 1 Cor. 3:16)
5. Are you always patient when you spend time in study? Well, remember you have to dig for treasures. And you need to patiently dig. God's word is more priceless than gold. The truth is that our hearts have to be calm and attuned to hear God speak from His word, so you need some time to settle and pore over the word, till light breaks forth. Remember, patience is a fruit of the spirit.
(Read Gal.5:22-23)
6. There's something important too. One's level of spiritual maturity affects one's understanding of the word. Maybe you're not spiritually mature enough to understand a particular thing. The writer of Hebrews said he had more to say, but his readers were limited in understanding, and ought to grow up. Well, the good news is that you can grow spiritually to gain deeper understanding. Most important thing for your growth is the word of God. Keep studying and applying the little you know, and you'll grow.
(Read Heb. 5:11-14, 1 Pet. 2:2)
7. You need teachers. No matter how spiritually mature you think you are, you also need teachers. We all know in part. The Bible encourages us to admonish each other. The most obvious teachers are our pastors. Our parents too ought to teach us the word. Spiritual parents/disciplers are very important. Don't despise simple
fellow believers either.
(Read Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19, Heb. 3:12-13)
Always keep this in mind: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..." Col.
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