A new view on Songs of Solomon 4:16
We all know the
Love Book-Songs of Solomon. The romance and love in this book is powerful! I have
heard people say that the Book is telling us about the love of God for the
church. Others say it’s a story about King Solomon and his beloved wife. Well,
we know the book is about love so I want to pick a verse and say something
about it.
Songs of Solomon vs 16 says, “Awake O North wind and come O
South. Blow upon my garden that its spices may flow out.” In the preceding
verses, the speaker had likened his lover (partner) to a garden so his call to
the wind is to blow upon his partner.
now, this is what I see in this verse:
In the Bible, the Spirit of God has been likened to the wind as seen in
Acts 2: 2 which says, “and suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a
rushing mighty wind…” and in John 3:8 “the wind blows where it wishes, and you
hear the sound of it but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So
is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Verse 16 of Songs of Solomon portrays a Christian who is
filled with the Holy Spirit and as the “wind” blows upon the “garden,” the
spices flow out. Let’s take this in 2 pieces:
The speaker beckons on the wind-this is prayer.
He was praying for His spouse to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to walk in
the Spirit. I usually say, “True love prays” and “True love wishes well.” in
your relationships, pray for your partner. Ask God to bless him/her and to
increase him/her spiritually.
“That its spices may flow out”- The Fruits of
the Holy Spirit. These are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Most Christians are more concerned with
the gifts of the Spirit than the fruits of the Spirit. We should be very
concerned about bearing fruits. Are you producing good fruits? Is your partner
producing good fruits? Remember, Jesus caused the fig tree to dry up because it
was not producing fruits. Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor. 13:1-3 that if he
possesses and uses most gifts of the Spirit but does not bear fruit (love was
the main point) it profits him nothing. We all know there are 3 sides to a
relationship of which only one (1) is acceptable.
You are benefitting
You are losing
No loss, no gain(stagnation)
If you are not
bearing fruits, if your partner is not bearing fruits, if the relationship is
not bearing fruits, if the spices are not flowing out, then start pruning!
LOL. I’m sure
you never expected such revelation in the book of Songs of Solomon but that’s
the doing of the Holy Spirit- He makes us see and know far beyond that which
is. He makes us see the invisible and hear the inaudible.
Please, in all, pray for and with your partners. Bear
fruits. Let your relationships glorify God. Relationships here do not mean
marriages and courtships only. It extends to our neighbours, colleaugues,
friends and family. Love God always. Grace
and peace with you all.
God bless you Yubbie