
Showing posts from July, 2018

Random Thoughts

I just thought about Peter, the Apostle Peter. How did he feel when his best friend was given a humiliating death; beaten in public, made a laughing stock as he was taken round the city, killed outside the city gates signifying that he was unworthy of the city, not just an ordinary death but a grueling criminal kind of torture and subsequently, death- on a cross, hung between two thieves. How did Peter feel? Known in town as the friend of a criminal; worse still,  to the religious ones, Peter was seen as the friend of a false prophet,  a blasphemer who claimed to be the Son of God. After all those healings and miracles, his friend could not save himself. He must have looked and hoped and watched and waited, but his friend still hung helplessly on the cross. Yes, this friend had told him something of this sort will happen. He had also told him that he (Peter) would deny him. And true to those words, he had denied his friend in the heat of the moment. He didn't know it...

Blessed are the poor in spirit

 BRO JOE: We're spiritually poor and cannot buy the word of God. We're hungry and thirsty for righteousness, but we don't have the spiritual currency to buy.  Will you accept our good deeds? Will you accept my keen intellect? I'm very logical and intelligent.... BRO JAMES: Wait, brother Joe... Me, I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing. If you're spiritually poor, I am not.  I speak with tongues of men and of angels. I have the gift of prophecy, and can understand all mysteries. I bestow my goods to feed the poor, and if need be, I can even give myself to be burned for another! THE LORD: I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then yo...

The Lifespan of Choice

Choice is the right to decide from among range of options. Life constitutes a mixture of both promising and damaging options, pleading for your decision. Lamentably, many have sided the world with its passing pleasures. This is evidenced in the way people are experimenting with sex, embarking on drinking spree, baring their bodies for fringe returns and trading their souls with perishables. But bear in mind that your power of choice is just temporary; it does not last forever. Choice has a lifespan! The power of choice is revoked at the point of death. No dead man retains the power to choose between God and the world. The moment your eyes close in death, your choosing privilege is completely lost!  You can only see your scores. “…choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…but AS FOR ME and my house, we will SERVE THE LORD” (Jos.24:14-15). Who do you choose to serve? God or the devil? Your choice will assuredly drive you to a destination - heaven or hell. Choices ca...

100 benefits of speaking in tongues by Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome. Dsc

1)Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural 2)Tongues is the prayer in the supernatural. 3)Tongues is a direct line to talking to God. 4)Tongues is the believers direct access to the throne room. 5)Tongues is speaking divine mysteries-divine cooled secrets. 6)Tongues is drawing secrets to life complicated issues. 7)Tongues is prophesying your God ordained future. 8)Tongues is praying out God's plan for your life 9)Tongues is knowledge, counsel and secrets witheld from the wicked. 10)Tongues is the entrance into the realm of the spirit, the miraculous zone. 11)Tongues is strengthening your inner man with divine might. 12)Tongues keeps you spiritually fit. 13)Tongues is praying out things that's been concealed to be revealed. 14)Tongues is decreeing the Rhemas of God. 15)Tongues pulls you from the past into the future. 16)Tongues is home improvement, and a source of edification. 17)Tongues is building a strong premise to carry out the anoint...

How to read and understand the Bible by yourself

Are you looking for help in understanding the Bible? Or are you hoping to gain more tips for help in your Bible study. Well, you are at the right place. We ought to study the Bible so that we can grow. However, one might say: "The Bible usually seems like a bunch of stories to me. And don't even get started on those Epistles. They're really confusing." There was a man like that in the Bible - a very rich man. He was reading his Bible while on a journey. The Holy Spirit led one of the disciples (Philip) to meet him. Philip met him and asked him, "Do you understand what you're reading?" He replied, "No. How can I understand except someone explains it to me?" (See Acts 8:26-38) So I'll share a few tips here about understanding the Word of God. 1. Do you really want to study your Bible? This question is important. Yes, you should really want to study God's word. We ought to grow in our knowledge of God. We ought to know Him persona...