10 Conversations I wish I had in the past
I was really excited when I came across what Chuck Lawless said in his blog post. The title of the post got my attention and the content kept me stuck. It was awesome. As I read through the ten items he listed, I could totally relate.
If only we had these conversations with older mature Christians, we would have been saved from a lot of blunders. But, oh well, life happens. Thank God we're here today. So, as you go through the list, I want you to have these in mind:
I) If you're a teenager, you need to find someone you trust and have this conversation with them. Make sure he or she is a godly counselor. More importantly, pray for God's guidance.
2) Are we mates? Lol. I mean we're not old but neither are we so young. If yes, you know we need to right some wrongs. So, let's get on with it. And make sure to help a teenager go through his or her teenage years easily and in godliness
3) If you're an older Christian, I implore that you open yourself up to the younger generation and help us with your godly counsel. No, we're not stubborn on purpose. It's a sort of default configuration with the teenage years. So, look beyond the hard shell and reach out to them.
So, let's get on with it. Here's the post by Chuck Lawless. You can read it here.
I love you.
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