Esau I hate, Jacob I love

When God said, "...Esau I hate, Jacob I love..." (Rom. 9:13) I've always thought that it was the person Esau that He hated, and the person Jacob that He loved. However, in this dimension of the revelation into this  Scripture, it's not so.
I got to understand that it was bot Esau as a person that God hates but Esau as a PEOPLE. Same goes for Jacob. Now let's look closely:
In the story of these twins as reported by the account in Genesis, Esau is seen as large-hearted and of course generous. One that can "beg" for a morsel is obviously large-hearted knowing that he can do same. But beyond all of this, Esau preferred sensual gratification over spiritual maturity. He was ready to let go of his birthright (which strongly signifies spirituality) just to quench his hunger. Now, let's pause there. The issue of food, hunger and fasting is a whole ball game entirely. But for this particular issue, let's move on to Jacob.
Jacob, though mean, cunning and deceitful, he had the desire and capacity for the spiritual. As can be seen from his intent in possessing the birthright.
Why would God say He loves such a cunning and deceitful fellow? Remember, I said not as a person but as a PEOPLE. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:7 that to be carnally minded is enmity against God. You see, as earlier said, Esau preferred sensual gratification over spirituality. That goes on to show that God hates it when we choose sensuality over spirituality. " be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace...". Rom. 8:6. Take note of the word: MINDED. Though Jacob was deceitful and all, he was still spiritually minded and this culminated in the Bethel experience.
So, I say: the currency in the spiritual is not necessarily actions that's why God hates hypocrites...It's all about DESIRE. When you sincerely desire, you'll have the experience.
"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you." -Hoses 10:12


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