
There are lots of the preachers around who are eloquent in speech and swift in action. Is it the way the message thrills through the air or is it the way they stamp their feet on the podium, thump their fists, roar and shout? Well, I call that oratory.

The message of the Lord is interesting to our dull ears especially if coming from the mouth of a well known and prominent preacher.
Let not idle-talkers and deceivers confuse you, for eloquence is never a substitute for truth. Do not be fooled by people who turn the word upside down in order to please their listeners and draw more attention towards their selfish desires. Faith is misplaced if not in the God of the Bible.

I was born into a Christian family of the Qua Iboe faith. My parents gave me a good home training and made me abide by the Christian living. That was it, but I never truly had interest for church and its activities though I made sure I did what was right. I did not steal, lie, cheat, fight or do any of the things that are contrary to the norms of the society. In short, I was morally good. That was just religion-carrying out the doctrines of my faith. But yet, religion is not all about faith, but doubt. I never really had any good relationship with God. A deep and lasting one that I truly needed. I went to church because I did not want my parents to scold, beat or get angry with me. I loved reading creative write-ups, wise sayings, proverbs, idioms and all those inspirational and mind building stuff. Wherever I see them, I read them up.

One day, I came across the book of Proverbs. I had not really given this portion of the bible a second thought; in fact the bible itself wasn’t much considered. I wasn’t a memory verse freak so far I believed in God’s existence and honored him. I sat down and read this portion of the bible from the first chapter to the sixth chapter. I was enjoying it and was also yearning to find more about books of the Bible. I got a Good News Bible which I found out about other books like Tobit, Susanna, Sirach, and Bel and the dragon etc and with time, I discovered the content of Ecclesiastes about wisdom, with full understanding. As one abides to a study method, so I did to the bible. I found out that when someone preached, it did not touch or move me but when I read inspirational, devotional books like Our Daily Bread, Why believe? , Open Heavens and many more, I understood it better and got attracted to the Bible.

The Bible is the very best way of keeping your relationship with Christ real and true. All other books inform, but only the Bible can transform. There is no problem without solution in the Bible, no question without an answer, no sorrows without comfort and there is nothing dearer than a father who cares. If we check our lives, we will find out that we are not worshiping God but acting according to the doctrine of our various churches. Yes as believers, we believe we must join a church. That is true, but the Bible does command the believers to ‘join’ a church, for we are already members of ‘the’ church which is Christ’s body and not the Building. Quite alright we pray to God in the morning, before and after meals, before we retire to our beds, on our journey and so on, but then we fail to read the Scriptures. Is it not quite boring to be listening to someone speaks to you all day but is not giving you a chance to reply or at least say a word? The same applies here; we are always asking without waiting for a reply from God. The Bible is one of the ways God speaks to us. Not all answers to prayers come through miracles and prophecies; they are also in the Bible. God wants us to walk in the light of His word and not stumble in the darkness of the world. When we discriminate ourselves because of our differences I churches, we are stumbling in the darkness of the world. Then, we are no longer worshipping God but going to Church.

Worshipping God has to do with active participation in the work of God, but is basically on your faith in Christ and our heart drive to worshipping Him. We all have core values but they are of no values if they do not reflect God’s values. To recognize Satan’s lies, we must focus on God’s truth. Satan presents to us a situation whereby we serve God in flesh but not in spirit and truth. Do we hunger and thirst for righteousness and also want to know Him better? Only Jesus, the living water can satisfy our thirst for God. True worship of God acknowledges Christ. We need to let ourselves be under God’s control, for that is true freedom. Know God today deeply and wholly, surrender your life to

"Increase your knowledge of God’s word and in it you will find wisdom, what you need in life," said Sper.

The highest goal of learning is to know God. What we do with Christ now determines what He will do with us later. Let us stop fooling and blackmailing ourselves and form a true relationship and trust in God. Let us serve Him wholly deeply and eternally. Check your life and relationship today; it has got to be real. Now is the time, it is never too late. You can never go wrong when you choose to follow Christ. God speaks through His word to those who listen with their heart.


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