Friendship with God

"Show me your friend and I will show you who you are," or is it "You are known by the friends you keep." This is very true. Friendship with God, look at it this way: You do things together, you love Him deeply as you love your earthly friend, you share your secrets and discuss about the day’s event with Him at night before going to bed. You complain to Him, cry to Him, lean on Him and in fact do everything with Him. See it is cool. That was how efficiently we started. I asked Him out. He did not hesitate to give me a positive reply. No day passed without my calling Him. I visited Him with my partner and we usually had a good time chatting together. Our relationship lasted because I told Him and never hid anything from Him. A bond developed and a friendship began with Jesus Christ. I no longer cared about who loved me, who does not like me, who hated me, who disliked my personality or who my enemy was because I had a friend who believed, understood and accepted me that way. We communicated freely. As I talked to Him, I made sure I listened and abided by His advice. He had a lot of things to say. There was no problem He did not have a solution to. He was always there for me, sitting quietly and patiently at the corner of my heart. He believes in me especially when I cease to believe in myself. When things went wrong, He was always ready to help me out. He knows all about me; my bad and my good, my worst and my best but then He still likes me. A characteristic that none of my friends has displayed. One road to happiness is acceptance and my acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as my only true friend was the beginning of my happiness.

Worldwide, we all need friends. People who will care, understand, love and always be there for us. In some of our selfish sense of friendship we expect to modulate the person’s attitude to fit into our own concept. First, to enable us have a long-lasting friendship. We usually fail to understand that to find a true and real friend, we have to be one. We so much concern ourselves with the acquisition of materials that we fail to recognize that God’s foolishness is greater than the wisdom of men. God who gave you a friend also watches as your friend betrays you. Puzzling, isn’t it? We are all humans and in our daily interactions we should treat each other as if we are treating Christ. If Judas Iscariot could betray a great person as Jesus, how much more a mere human like you? We all betray Christ in our daily dealings with each other. If man was created in God’s own image, how should we treat each other? In my relationship with others, I compare them with Christ because I am to find fault and judge Christ, will I find any? No! As such, there will be no need to look for any. So why don’t we try that with others too? It has been said,

"I will speak ill of no man, but say all the good I know."

Do not let fear stop you from caring for someone. If it pleases God that you love one another, how then should you consider what people say? Your light can only be seen when shone on others. Having a healthy and fruitful relationship with Christ should be portrayed in our friendship with others. We should try to be faithful and truthful to one another. One must not be your spouse before you show faithfulness, love, care and trust. "Love all but trust none," is only a concept of someone’s life. That might not be your own concept. At times you have to put your own trust in someone but do not put too much in a friend-you will be demanding too much of him or her-learn to use your enemies. If I may ask, who is your enemy? If you have no enemy, then probably you are a failure. Listen, if you do not act in a

loving way towards others, you make an enemy of yourself. Try being good, do not be the person serving as another’s enemy. Form a relationship with Christ today and enjoy eternal life. Be careful of the friends you keep; our friends are supposed to draw us closer to God and don’t forget: Your best friend is the man who brings out the best in you. Your friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you. Friendship is one mind in two bodies. He should wait for the dark clouds in your life so that he can shine the light of love on you just like the early morning sun.


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