
Oh! How much we love the words THANK YOU, PLEASE and SORRY. It is part of etiquette and politeness. I have a friend who is very good at it. She says these words as frequent as she says I. This little act of courtesy really moves me. I like it a lot. Though it was a little bit hard for me to practice and also took a long time for me to get used to it. When I finally did, I felt wonderful. It was nice and pleasing to be around people saying those three things clearly and boldly. I gained the respect and friendliness of a lot of people. A good attitude begins with gratitude. As these three things are essential in our daily dealings with our neighbours so are they important in our relationship with God. In fact they are the most important words in our prayer. Remember our pattern of prayer should be like this: Thank God for His providence (THANK YOU) Ask for Forgiveness (SORRY) State your request (PLEASE) Conclude with thanking Him again Yes, it is the same thing. After all, y...