A Vision of The Lost by William Booth

William Booth is the founder of The Salvation army. Below is a transcript of a vision he had. You can also watch the video here . On recent journey I found myself thinking about the multitudes around me. They were living carelessly in the most open and shameless rebellion against God, without a thought for their eternal welfare. As I looked out of the coach window, I seemed to see them all … millions of people given up to their drink, pleasure, dancing and their music, their business, anxieties, politics and troubles. Ignorant – wilfully ignorant in many cases – and in other instances knowing all about the truth and not caring at all. Suddenly, as I thought about them I had a vision. In it I saw a dark and stormy ocean over which black clouds hung heavily. Every now and then vivid lightening flashed and loud thunder rolled, while the winds drove foaming waves into a tempest that was claiming lives. There were myriad’s cursing, struggling and drowning, and as I wa...