
Showing posts from June, 2018

The power of fellowship with Holy Spirit

BY EHUSANI GRACE ORAHACHI “The grace of our lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14). Our opening Scripture speaks of fellowship with the person of the Holy Spirit. You may ask, "Why should we fellowship with the Holy Spirit? What is God's purpose for speaking of this fellowship? Is fellowship with the Holy Spirit a command, necessity, or suggestion? How do we fellowship with the Holy Spirit?" Firstly, let us consider who the Holy Spirit is. I would like to say here that I cannot exhaust the revelation on the person of the Holy Spirit, however, as you read on I believe that the Holy Spirit would bring you to have an understanding of his person. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity. He is not a force or some wind. He may choose to express himself as wind, fire, or even a dove, yet he is above all these. He is a person, with intellect, will, and emotions. (Read 1 Corinthians 1...


Ruth sighed softly as she took off her jewelry. She examined each piece intently. They were beautiful and expensive. How her fate has changed. She looked into the mirror. She has changed physically too. Just few weeks ago, she had dark circles under her eyes and lines were becoming faintly visible on her face. But now, she is glowing. Life had taken a sharp turn unexpectedly. She remembered Mahlon. Her heart sank. She had loved him. She could remember him working hard in the fields, the sun burning his back. She could remember him and Chilion sitting down to a meal, resting just before they got back to work. It had been love-at-first sight for Ruth and Mahlon. Her friend Orpah had told her about two brothers who had just moved into their little village. Apparently, they were from Bethlehem and had moved to their town, escaping the famine in Bethlehem. Two weeks after meeting Mahlon for the first time at the marketsquare, he proposed to marry her. Fleeting days of friendship ...

How I Got Saved by PRO Edogbanya

My name is Edogbanya Paul Ramallan Ocholi. I hail from Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. My parents are civil servants and I am the first of four lively boys. I am a graduate of Biology from the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, hold a master’s degree in the same field and presently running a doctorate. I am a lecturer with Kogi State University, Anyigba. My journey of salvation is not a very dramatic one, but is rather a gradual transition between three major phases which I will classify as: the religious, carnal and spiritual phase. The Religious Phase I come from a staunch Catholic background; I was pious and dedicated. When I was of age, I attended Catechism class and did my First Holy Communion and was ready to perform all the sacraments of the Catholic Church. I was even considering being a Catholic priest at some point, but discovering my love for the opposite sex, and knowing that Catholic priests don’t get married, I knew I wasn’t going...

What Should A New Believer Do?

I was born again in 2010, but I was not living a victorious Christian life, and neither was I growing spiritually. I had no spiritual guidance and counselling. I had no idea of what to do next. I only did my best getting busy with Christian activities. It did not take long before I fell back to my old ways. However, by the mercies of God, later on I was guided properly. If you're experiencing same, this post is for you. Maybe you've fallen into your old ways, but it's never too late. The following is not an exhaustive list, and neither is it written in any particular order. I will also like you to note that this does not in any way mar your salvation. They are very important for you to grow unto maturity. I encourage you to bring your Bible along as you go through this post. -Baptism in the name of our Lord Jesus: Baptism is significant of our burial with Christ into death from sin, and a raising up into the newness of life. If you have not been baptized, I e...