A bruised reed and a dimly burning wick

It was long overdue. She had to make the decision. It's either she continues in her life of sin and guilt, or she returns to God like the prodigal son. Of what use was it anyway? All that is left are scars and bruises - unseen from the human eye but littered over her conscience. Nseghe sighed as she got up from her bed and looked out the window. She saw children playing in the sand and remembered when she was as young as they now are. She'd grown up a bright child -witty and smart. Memories of attempted sexual abuse and harassment flooded her mind. Even as a little girl, these things were happening. Classmates, neighbours, strangers, and even uncles and cousins. Everyone always wanted to do something dirty. "Hmmmm, the world has been spoilt for loooong," she thought. Even at that, she had managed to escape unscathed. She had always boldly said NO. Not because she had any relationship with God, but because she had a sense of morality. Of course, being brought up...