
Showing posts from April, 2014

Set Apart for God (Book Review)

DOWNLOAD THIS POST Recently, I did a book review on a christian literature and i'll love share it with you. Book Title: SET APART FOR GOD: The Beautiful Secrets of Holiness Author: Derek Prince Genre: Religious/ Christian Life/ Spiritual Growth Keywords: Holiness, Sanctification

Let's talk about STINGINESS

DOWNLOAD THIS POST So, I'm here in class. It's late at night. It's 23 minutes past ten o'clock. There's a laptop in front of me and free "WIFI"...So, what the heck? I'm supposed to be encouraging people through my posts and it's been ages. Wow! That's wrong. I have to be more committed to blogging but most importantly, I have to be more committed to encouraging. So, ummmm, what am I supposed to talk to you about? *thinking* Ok. I got it. Let me share a lil bit on STINGINESS.